Saturday 4 May 2013

srugim season 1

the TV series


yarmulkes collection - stock photo


I've been watching the first season of srugim =  סרוגים  over the last few days and I really enjoyed it. Now I have to say that I am not a religious person at all. But I truly respect all religions as long as they let people of other religions or people with no religion live their lives in peace. 
       Srugim with its five central characters who are modern orthodox Jews is not exactly the most obvious DVD choice for me. But I loved it. The characters are complex and loveable and searching for love and happieness in a complicated world just like everybody else. The insights into the world of orthodox observance is really quite fascinating especially for someone like me who has Jewish ancestors and the series is very respectful in this regard.
       Watching srugim really motivated me to continue studying Hebrew. Of course I have to watch it with English subtitles but I can understand at least at couple of words per sentence. And it's great to improve my pronunciation. All in all one of the best series I ever watched and a huge help in studying Hebrew even though it shows me how far I still have to go. But that doesn't matter.
Kadima!  קדימה


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