lessons 49 and 50
mah ata amarta?
?מה אתה אמרת
katav = he wrote
michtav = a letter (something written)
more 2nd p. sg. past tense today: XaXaX-ta (masc.) and XaXaX-t (fem.)
and I 'd also like to mention something else regarding the three root consonants I've been mentioning so often over the last few posts:
the three consonants do not only appear in verbs but also in nouns and often enough the same consonants signal a relationship in meaning between the word containing them:
katav = he wrote
michtav = a letter (something written)
in the transcription it may appear confusing at first because the letter כ stands for k and ch.
this relationship exists for great numbers of verbs and nouns and I'll mention a lot of them later and you'll see that it makes learning new words easier at some point. For now just remember that this relationship exists.
אתה אמרת
ata amarta you said (masc.)
את אמרת
at amart you said (fem.)
?מה אתה אמרת
mah ata amarta? what did you
say? (masc.)
kloum nothing
?את אמרת משהו
at amart mashehu? did you say
something? (fem.)
אתה כתבת
ata katavta you
wrote (masc.)
את כתבת
at katavt you
wrote (fem.)
כתבת המכתב ata katavta
hamichtav? did you write the letter? (masc.)
?מה את כתבת
mah at katavt? what did
you write? (fem.)
רצית ata ratzita
you wanted (masc.)
את רצית
at ratzit you wanted (fem.)
אתה רצית mah ata ratzita?
what did you want? (masc.)
רצית משהו at ratzit mashehu
did you want something? (fem.)
ve and
?בן כמה אתה
ben kamah ata?
אני בן עשרים ואחד
anee ben essrim ve'achat I am 21
?בת כמה את
bat kamah at?
אני בת שלולים
anee bat shloshim I am 30
and your memory is already waiting for its session on memrise:
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