lesson 72
asking questions
asking questions
That's the questions we already learned how to ask a while ago:
mah? what? Mah seh? Seh meetz tapouchim.
mee? who? Mee at? Anee Anna
aifo? where? Aifo Itzhak? Hu be bait.
le'an? where to? Le'an ata holech? Anee holech be hof ha yam.
kamah? how much? Ben kamah ata? Anee ben shloshim.
matay? when? Matay atem yecholim lavo? Ulay (perhaps) be yom rishon.
this one is relatively new and has a masculine and a feminine form:
eizo? which? (fem.) Eizo shvitah? Ha shvitat aotobousim.
eizeh? which? (masc.) Eizeh beit? Ha beit sheli.
and here are three new ones:
eich? how? Eich omeret 'strawberries' be ivrit? Tutim.
lamah? why? Lamah lo rotzah lavo? Anee ayefah me'od.
me'ayin? where from? Me'ayin ata ba? Anee ba mee London.
For fellow fans of Srugim
At some point in season one Amir is told by the Rabbi that he's still considered married according to Jewish law and totally taken aback all he manages to say is: 'mah? eich? lama?'
What's meaning of hananiel in Hebrew