Wednesday 19 June 2013

lesson 62

 Dead Sea Stock Images - Image: 15516314

The Dead Sea

Hi, I didn't blog for a while, I had to learn for an exam (nothing to do with Hebrew at all) and now I find it difficult to pick up the thread again. So today's lesson is going to be short and rather boring
I'm afraid.

The last lesson was about the idea of possession in the past but we only discussed the singular:

hayah li machshev   =   he was for me a computer   =    I had a computer

haytah li mechonit   =   she was for me a car   =   I had a car

and a new example:

hayah li ke'ef rosh   =   he was for me pain head   =   I had a headache

and now we have to progress to the plural: and again, it is the thing posessed that determines the form of the verb but since masculine and feminine are the same in the third person plural it's easier:

hayou li sfarim tovim   =   they were for me books good   =   I had good books

hayou li tmounot yafot   =  they were for me pictures beautiful   =   I had beautiful pictures

 that's it for today and I'll try to post more regualarly again now that I have more time.

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