Saturday 29 June 2013

lesson 69: present tense plural (3)

lesson 69
bulb headed man and business plan concept on wall - stock photo
achshav anee mevin!

now I understand (masc.)

to complete the plural forms of our twenty verbs in the present tense, we still have to do five more.   Again they work in the same way and again they have a few quirks as verbs just tend to have in any language:

mevin - mevinah - mevinim - mevinot             understand

gar - garah - garim - garot                                live / reside

tzarich - tzrichah - tzrichim - tzrichot             need / must / have to

yachol - yecholah - yecholim - yecholot           can

ba - ba'ah - ba'im - ba'ot                                  come

and some examples:

anachnou ba'aim

aten garot be Tel Aviv?

hem tzrichim lishtot ma'im

anachnou mevinim aval lo rotzim lavo

hen lo yecholot lavo be yom rishon

future lessons:
over the next few lesson we'll be doing the plural forms of verbs in the past tense, quite a few dialogues and a lot more vocabulary. And then after a while the future tense of our 20 verbs.

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