Wednesday 26 June 2013

lesson 67: present tense plural (2)

lesson 67
more plural

Mysterious eyes in darkness. Halloween vector illustration. Scooby-Doo square composition. Black and white version. - stock vector

anachnou ro'im otcha

Another boring post today, I am afraid. But sometimes grammar just needs to be worked through.
So far this blog has done quite a bit of grammar with very little vocabuary and that's why I am planning a few posts for the near future that will concentrate on new vocabulary. Together with tips and tricks on how to learn a lot of words fast.

OK, so here's today's group of verbs and they all work in the same way in the present tense plural:

ro'eh - ro'ah - ro'im - ro'ot                        see

rotzeh - rotzah - rotzim - rotzot                want

osseh - ossah - ossim - ossot                       do

shoteh - shotah - shotim - shotot               drink

koreh - korah - korim - korot                   happen

and some examples:

anachnou rotzim lalechet lekolno'a
aten rotzot ougah?

anachnou ossim klum
hen ossot mashou chacham     

anachnou shotim bira
hen shotot kafeh ve chalav?

anachnou ro'ot ha yam
atem ro'im ha bait?

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