Sunday 4 August 2013

lesson 85: at the airport

at the airport
ba nemal te'oufah

נמל תעופה

Airplane around the world

                                       Darkon ve chartis tisah, bevakashah! Le'an atem tassim?

                                       Anachnou tassim le Tzarfat. Achot sheli garah be Paris.

                                       Paris! Seh nechmad me'od! Tisah ne'imah!

                                       Todah rabah. Lehitra'ot.

new words:

nemal te'oufah                airport
darkon  - darkonim         passport   -  passports,
chartis   - chartisim         ticket  -   tickets
tisah                                flight
tassim                             you are flying       (tass    he flew)
achot                               sister
nechmad                         nice, lovely, delightful, charming, pleasant, pretty
ne'imah                           nice, pleasant, comfortable, enjoyable

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