Thursday 1 August 2013

revision: 23 verbs present, past and infinitive

Hebrew verbs
we did since the beginning of this course
The holy city of Nazareth in Galilee, galilee

we have learned quite a few verbs in detail in the present tense, the past tense and the infinitive. The 20 verbs I talked about at the start of the course plus two or three that slipped in when I wasn't looking.

So here's an overview, all checked twice at: and the 3rd person singular past tense masculine is coloured in red:

present tense   present tense      past tense        past tense          infinitive      English
masculine        feminine            3rd p.masc.     3rd p. fem.

lomed             lomedet              lamad              lamadah             lilmod           to learn
'ohev              'ohevet                'ahav               'ahavah               le'ehov          to love
'omer              'omeret               'amar               'amrah                lomar            to say
holech            holechet              halach             halchah              lalechet         to go / to walk
'ochel              'ochelet               'achal              achlah                le'echol          to eat
kotev              kotevet                katav              katvah                lichtov          to write
'oved               'ovedet                'avad               avdah                 la'avod          to work
choshev          choshevet           chashav          chashvah            lachshov       to think
medaber         medaberet           diber              dibrah                 ledaber          to speak
mevin             mevinah              hevin             hevinah               lehavin          to understand
gar                  garah                   gar                 garah                  lagour            to live/reside
tzarich            tzarichah              tzarich           tzrichah              lehitztarach   need/must/have to
yachol            yecholah              yachol            yachlah              --------           can/be able to
ba                   ba'ah                    ba                   ba'ah                  lavo               to come
koreh              koret                   kara'                kar'ah                likro'              to read
shome'a          shome'at             shama'            sham'ah              lishmo'a         to hear
rotzeh             rotzah                 ratzah             ratztah                lirtzot             want
'osseh             'ossah                  assah              assitah                la'assot           to do
shoteh             shotah                shatah             shattah               lishtot             to drink
socheh            sochah                sachah            sachtah              lis'chot            to swim
koneh              konah                 kanah             kantah                liknot             to buy
ro'eh                ro'ah                   ra'ah               ra'atah                lir'ot               to see
------               -------                  hayah              haytah               lihi'ot              to be

so, here we are having accomplishhed quite a big step toward learning Hebrew. Kol hakavod, congratulations, well done everybody! And from now on we'll learn lots more verbs and the furure tense and heaps of vocabukary and more grammar and hopefully have a bit of fun also along the way.


1 comment:

  1. be'od shalosh shavu'ot would it not be more correct to translate this as "within 3 weeks" ?
