Sunday 18 August 2013

lesson 90: yiheyeh beseder

lesson 90
yiheyeh beseder 

jambe plâtrée et béquilles
hou shavar et ha regel shelo


                                    Shalom Lior. Mah nishma?
                                    Shalom Dani. Shamata she Roni be bait cholim?
                                    Lo, lo shamati. Mah karah? Hou choleh?
                                    Lo, hou lo chole. Hou shavar et ha regel shelo.
                                    Mah omer ha rofeh?
                                    Amar she yihyeh beseder be'od shalosh shavu'ot.


quite a few new words today:

bait cholim                hospital
choleh                        ill /sick (masc.)  
cholah                        ill/sick (fem.)
hou shavar                 he broke
et                                direct object marker
regel                           leg
rofeh                          doctor (masc.)    
rofah                          doctor (fem.)
yiheyeh                      he will be / it will be
yiheyeh beseder         he will be OK / it will be OK
be'od                          in
shavu'ah                     week
shavou'ot                   weeks

she = that
The 'e' is pronounced as in leg.
the future of  'to be'
she will be / it will be   =  tiheyeh
he will be / it will be     = yiheyeh

et  =  direct object marker
the 'et' needs some time to get used to and we'll talk more about it soon
it is used to introduce a direct object
(in German you'd have a direct object ending to the noun and in Hebrew
it appears as a particle in front of the noun which it marks as a direct object)

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