Wednesday 6 November 2013

lesson 91 - listening exercise - srugim

The last few month have been quite busy, moving house and getting started with my MA Applied Linguistics are only two of the many things I had to get sorted. Even now, I am not really settled yet and I don't know how often I'll be able to blog over the next few weeks. But I'll try. And for today, just a small listenig exercise:

lesson 91
listening exercise

listen to the first 35 seconds of this clip several times and try to hear the words and phrases listed below. I haven't covered everything, just the simpler things that are easier to understand. The secret lies in the repetition. To train an ear to make sense of a foreign language it's important to expose it to this language over and over and over again. Children have thousands of hours of audio input before they start speaking their first words. And I belive that in modern language teaching the importance of input is hugely underestimated. So please play along and listen to those 35 seconds as often as you can possibly bear it without starting to hate it ;-)

00: 01    (atah) lo shomer shabbat?                   you don't observe shabbat?         

00:06    az atah chiloni ligamri?                       so you are non-religious completely?

00:09    smolani?                                               left winger

00:12    yemani?                                                right winger

00:13    betach                                                   sure, certainly

00:14    lama betach?                                        why certainly?

00:17    mitzta'er                                                I am sorry (masc.)                          

00:19    chilonim                                               non religious people (plural)

00:21    beseder                                                  OK

00:25    kol ha erev                                            whole the evening  =  the whole evening

00:26   mah?                                                      what?

00:29   lo seh...                                                  no it's

00:31   seh lo...                                                  it's not...

00:34    chalon                                                   dream

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