Thursday 28 November 2013

Latkes for Hanukkah


To all my Jewish family and friends around the world I wish you...

Latkes for Hanukkah

6    medium potatos
1    onion
2    eggs
pinch of salt
cooking oil  (I personally like desodorised coconut oil best it doesn't burn so quickly)

finely shred the potatos and immediately cover them with water so that they won't oxidise
finely shred the onion
beat the eggs
drain the water from the potatos
wring the potatos and onion in a kitchen towel to get as much of the liquid out as possible

mix potatos, eggs and onion and add a little salt

preheat the oil  
fry the latkes: one tabelspoon = one latke 
don't try to fry too many at one time
and make sure the dough is spread out evenly to make them really crispy

eat as soon as possible while they are still very hot
enjoy with apple sauce and/or sour cream and/or pumpkin preserve
or whatever makes you happy
bon appetit

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