Monday 25 November 2013

George Bernhard Shaw in Hebrew

 האנשים שאומרים שאין אפשר לעשות משהו צריכים לא להפריע
 לאלו שעושים אותו
 ג'ורג' ברנרד שו

ha anashim she 'omrim she 'ain efshar la'asot mashehou tzrichim lo lehafri'a
le'alou she 'osim oto

(the 'e' in 'she' is pronounced as the 'e' in 'end' )

word by word translation:

the people who say that it is not (there is not) possible to do something should not interfere
with those who are doing it

proper English:

People who say it cannot be done should not interrupt those who are doing it
George Bernard Shaw

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