Thursday 7 November 2013

lesson 92 - future tense first person plural

lesson 92
future tense : first person plural

                                          mah nishma'?
                                           lo ra' todah! ve at?
                                           kol beseder todah!

we already learned one future tense expression a long time ago:
mah nischma' literally means what will we hear
and it's the perfect example for the 1st person plural future tense.

we also came across boi' nikneh rak tutim in the ethnix song 'TUTIM' a few posts ago
literally come we will only buy strawberries or
come lets only buy strawberries which is a better translation because Hebrew mostly uses the future tense to express the imperative and we'll talk about this very soon.

many verbs build their 1st person plural future tense in this way:

ni + root consonats

(but of course there are other types as well which will be discussed soon. but first the easy ones)

nishma'        we will hear               ש  מ  ע               ni + SH  M   ע
nikneh          we will buy              ק  נ  ה                 ni +  K  N  H

nir'ah           we will see               ר  א  ה                ni + R  א   H     

nirtzeh         we will want             ר  צ  ה                ni+  R  צ  H

niktov          we will write             כ  ת  ב                 ni+  K  T  V

nilmad         we will learn              ל  מ  ד                 ni+  L  M  D

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