Friday 9 August 2013

lesson 87: future (1.1.) I will see

Machar anee 'er'eh

three girls push the broken car - stock photo


                                       Matay at ba'ah?
                                       Lo yecholah lavo. mechonit sheli mekoulkelet.
                                       Mah at rotzah la'assot achshav?
                                       Lo yoda'at. Machar anee 'er'eh.


new words:

achshav:    now
machar:     tomorrow

yoda'at:     I know (fem.)
yode'a:      I know (masc.)
lada'at:      to know (infinitive)
yada':        he knew


3 consonants        past tense              present tense         future tense
                            3rd p. sg. masc.      masculine             1st p. sg.
r א h   -       raאah      -   roאeh     -   אerאeh   -   I will see
                             (ra'ah)                    (ro'eh)                    ('er'eh)

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