lessons 25 and 26
yesh li machshev
exercises at:
לי yesh li I have (there is for me)
machshev computer
לי מחשב yesh li machshev I have a computer
יש לך
yesh lecha you have (masc.) (there is for you)
לך מחשב משה
yesh lecha machshev Moshe? do you have a computer Moshe?
כן יש לי מחשב
ken yesh li machshev yes I have a computer
יש לך
yesh lach you have (fem.) (there is for you)
יש לך מחשב חנה
yesh lach machshev Chanah? Do you have a computer Hannah?
שבע sheva seven
אחד achat
אחד hasha'ah achat it is one o'clock
השעה שבע
בבוקר hasha'a sheva beboker it is seven in the morning
we had yesh in lessons 21+22: yesh lechem? ken yesh. Is there bread? Yes there is.
yesh li means I have but the construction is very different of how the idea of possession is expressed in indoeuropean languages.
the li is composed of the prepesition l (for) and the first person ending i .
l + i = li = for me
l + echa = lecha = for you (masc.)
l + lach = lach = for you (fem.)
yesh li literally translated means there is for me
new numbers:
7 sheva
1 achat
so now we have eight out of ten:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
achat shtayim shalosh chamesh sheva shmoneh tesha esser
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