Wednesday, 27 March 2013

lessons 25 and 26 yesh li machshev

lessons 25 and 26 
yesh li machshev
Brain with motherboard as a computer concept Stock Photo - 9555284

 exercises at:

יש לי                          yesh li                                               I have (there is for me) 

מחשב                        machshev                                          computer

יש לי מחשב                yesh li machshev                              I have a computer 

יש לך                         yesh lecha                                         you have (masc.)  (there is for you) 

יש לך מחשב משה       yesh lecha machshev Moshe?          do you have a computer Moshe? 

כן יש לי מחשב            ken yesh li machshev                        yes I have a computer 

יש לך                         yesh lach                                           you have (fem.)  (there is for you) 

יש לך מחשב חנה        yesh lach machshev Chanah?            Do you have a computer Hannah? 

 שבע                               sheva                                                   seven

אחד                          achat                                                    one 

השעה אחד                hasha'ah achat                                      it is one o'clock 

השעה שבע בבוקר      hasha'a sheva beboker                         it is seven in the morning 

yesh li = I have = there is for me

we had yesh in lessons 21+22: yesh lechem? ken yesh. Is there bread? Yes there is.

yesh li means I have but the construction is very different of how the idea of possession is expressed in indoeuropean languages.

the li is composed of the prepesition l (for) and the first person ending i .

 l + i         = li           = for me
 l + echa   = lecha    = for you (masc.)
 l + lach   = lach       = for you (fem.)

yesh li literally translated means there is for me

new numbers:
7 sheva
1 achat

so now we have eight out of ten:

     1           2              3               4               5                 6              7            8             9            10
   achat  shtayim    shalosh                      chamesh                      sheva   shmoneh    tesha       esser

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