Monday 22 April 2013

How modern Hebrew is evolving

Eilat seashore by night  Stock Photo - 13175122

this is Eilat by night and has nothing to do with today's post I just liked the picture

I just read this excellent article about the problems Hebrew is facing today.

This article explains a lot about the history of the Hebrew language, about the formation of new words, about the difficulties native speakers have with reading and about current trends that may change the language quite considerably in the future.

One paragraph explains the problems of the writing system:

'To give the English reader an idea of the nature of the problem, try to make sense of the following sentence in which the vowels have been omitted and the prepositions attached to the following word.

 “thwnd nhs sl ws d tthbttr trp”

 Does this mean...?
a. The wind in his soul was due to the bitter trip.
b. The wound in his seal was due to the better trap.
c. The wand in his soil was due to the butter troop. '

looks a bit daunting, doesn't it?

Anyway if you're really interested in learning Modern Hebrew, as I am , take the time to read this article, it will give you a very differentiated insight into this amazing language.

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