Monday 8 April 2013

lessons 51 and 52 ayefah

lessons 51 and 52
close-up portrait of a fluffy lying yawning one month old kitten Stock Photo - 9737398

3rd p. sg. past tense:  XaXaX (masc.)    XaXXah  or XaXatah (fem.)
adjectives have to conform to the nouns they describe, if the noun is masculine the adjective has to adopt its masculine form and if the noun is feminine the adjective has to adopt its feminine form:
ish yafeh - ishah yafah (lesson 39 + 40)
and today's example:  ha talmid chacham - ha talmidah chachamah 
הוא אמר                           hu amar                                      he said

הוא אמר משהו                  hu amar mashehu                       he said something

היא אמרה                         hee amrah                                  she said

היא אמרה קלום                he amrah klum                            she said nothing

הוא כתב                           hu katav                                      he wrote

הוא כתב הספר                  hu katav hasefer                          he wrote the book

היא כתבה                          hee katvah                                she wrote

היא כתבה המיכתב              hee katvah hamichtav               she wrote the letter

הוא רצה                            hu ratzah                                     he wanted

הוא רצה קפה עם חלב         hu ratzah kafeh im chalav         he wanted coffe with milk

היא רצתה                           hee ratztah                                 she wanted

היא רצתה שוקולד               hee rathtah shokolad                  she wanted chocolate

חכם                                  chacham                                       intelligent (masc.)

חכםה                               chachamah                                    intelligent (fem.)

התלמיד חכם                     ha talmid chacham                       the student is intellegent (masc.)

התלמידה חכםה                 ha talmidah chachamah                the student is intellegent (fem.)

עיפ                                   ayef                                               tired (masc.)

עיפה                                ayefah                                            tired (fem.)

היום                                 hayom                                            today

היום אני עיפ                      hayom anee ayef                           today I am tired

היום חנה עי                      hayom Channah ayefah                 today Hannah is tired

and here the memrise course


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