Thursday 4 April 2013

lessons 43 and 44

le'an ata halachta?

Walking : Shadows of people walking in a street of the city

        ?לאן אתה הלחת               

this lesson introduces the second person singular past tense. It is deliberately short because I want to take it slowly: Just three verbs with examples. The grammar however is easy because the basics of the past tense have been covered in lessons 41 + 42. All you have to remember is, the second person singular masculine takes a -ta ending and the second person singular feminine a -t ending.
Seh ha kol - This is all.

XaXaX - ta
XaXaX - t

אתה היית                    ata hayita                         you were (masc.)

את היית                      at hayit                             you were (fem.)

אתה הית בלונדון         ata hayita beLondon?       have you been to London (masc.)

את היית בתל אביב      at hayit beTel Aviv?         have you been to Tel Aviv (fem.)

אתה ראית                  ata ra'ita                           you saw (masc.)

את ראית                    at ra'it                                you saw (fem.)

אתה ראית הים            ata ra'ita hayam?                did you see the sea? (masc.)

את ראית העיר             at ra'it ha'ir?                      did you see the city? (fem.)

אתה הלכת                 ata halachta                        you went (masc.)

את הלכת                    at halacht                           you went (fem.)

לאן אתה הלחת           le'an ata halachta ?             where to did you go? (masc.)

את הלחת לקולנוע       at halacht lekolno'a?           did you go to the cinema? (fem.)

and to practice it all go to my free course unit on memrise

1 comment:

  1. Seh ha kol - This is all.

    "zeh ha-kol" ha-kol to show it is one unit and zeh instead of seh to show it is a strong word. If not new students might think ha = is when translating word by word in their mind...
