Wednesday 10 April 2013

lessons 53 and 54 mechoniot

lessons 53 and 54
Traffic Jam
today we take a break from all the verbs and concentrate on nouns and adjectives and how they behave in the plural

Hebrew nouns can be masculine or feminine and even though this is not so obvious in the singular, it is very clear in the plural:

masculine nouns take the ending -im to form the plural
machshev - machshevim

feminine nouns take the ending -ot to form the plural
mechonit - mechoniot

adjectives do not only have to conform to their nouns in gender but also in number

talmid chacham - talmidim chachamim
talmidah chachamah - talmidot chachamot

תלמידים טובים         talmidim tovim                good students (masc. plural)
תלמידות טובות         talmidot tovot                  good students (fem. plural)

חדש                       chadash                             new (masc. singular)

חדשים                    chadashim                         new (masc. plural)

חדשה                    chadashah                          new (fem. singular)

חדשות                   chadashot                           new (fem. plural)

מחשבים                 machshevim                      computers

מכוניות                   mechoniot                          cars

מחשבים חדשים      machshevim chadashim      new computers

מכוניות חדשות        mechoniot chadashot          new cars

חכמים                   chachamim                          intelligent (masc. plural)

ילד                       yeled                                     boy

ילדים                   yeladim                                  boys

ילדים חכמים         yeladim chachamim              intelligent boys

חכמות                  chachamot                             intelligent (fem. plural)

ילדה                    yaldah                                      girl

ילדות                   yeladot                                     girls

ילדות חכמות         yeladot chachamot                  intelligent girls

and don't forget to practice:


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