Thursday 11 April 2013

lessons 55 and 56 milim

lessons 55 and 56
 book Stock Photo - 9929449


some nouns undergo a little internal transformation in the plural. They loose their first vowel and or change their second one. This is actually quite frequent and it needs to be learned by heart which is actually a lot easier than it sounds because with a little repetition it all becomes second nature. 

sefer -  sfarim
davar - dvarim



בית ספר                                  bait sefer                               school

אני למדתי עברית                      anee lamadti ivrit                  I learned Hebrew

אתה למדת אנגלית                    ata lamadta anglit                you learned English (masc.)

את למדת אנגלית בבית ספר     at lamadt anglit babeit sefer   you learned English at school (fem.)

הוא למד לטינית באוניברסיטה   hu lamad latinit                       he learned Latin

היא למדה לטינית בבית ספר     hee lamdah latinit bebeit sefer      she learned latin at school

מלה                                   milah                                               word

מלים                                  milim                                               words

דבר                                   davar                                                 thing

דברים                                 dvarim                                             things

שפה                                   safah                                                language

שפות                                  safot                                                 languages

אני אהבתי מלים חדשים        anee ahavti milim chadashim          I loved new words

אתה אהבת דברים                ata ahavta dvarim chadashim          you loved new things (masc.)

את אהבת שפות חדשות        at ahavt safot chadashot                   you loved new languages (fem.)

הוא אהב למוד שפה חדש      hu ahav lilmod safah chadashah      he loved to learn a new language

היא אהבה למוד שפות           hee ahavah lilmod safot                   she loved to learn languages

לומר                                     lomar                                                to say / to tell

הוא רצה לומר משהו                    hu ratzah lomar mashehu                he wanted to say something

אני רציתי לומר תודה                   anee ratyiti lomar todah                   I wanted to say thank you    

please go to memrise to practice

1 comment:

  1. אני רציתי לומר תודה anee ratyiti lomar todah
    "ratsiti", right?
