Tuesday 2 July 2013

lesson 71: A few words you won't have to learn

lesson 71
English words in Hebrew

After much theory let's take it easy today

Hebrew like most languages has taken in quite a few English loan words. I asked a friend from Israel and she came up with a list of English words that are used frequently in Hebrew:

bye, blind date, cool, deadline, deodorant, fair, feedback, freelance,  microscope, 
psichopat, salat, snob, student, telescope, telefone, underdog

and words that have changed a bit:
alkoholist, composizia, chooligan, digitali, dramati, gitara, histeri, iformazia, intuizia, itelegenzia, idiot, idioti, normali, prakti, proporzia, proiekt, sirena, sveter,

and words that have chaged a bit more:
anbreks (handbreak), aoto (car), egzoz (exhaust), tremp (hitchhike)

and this is how they are used in real life: seh lo fair! ata lo normali! seh dramati midai bishvili. ha composizia shel ha tmounah. lo shamata ha sirena?

(and some grammar since I can't resist:
digitali, dramati, histeri, idioti, normali, prakti are adjectives in the masculine form.
The feminine form just adds a -t because they are treated morphologically like any
other 'indeginous' Hebrew adjective ending in -i,
like for example tapuach m'komi (local apple) rofah m'komit (local doctor (fem.))
i.e.: yaldah dramatit, tmounah digitalit, be'ayah idiotit ...)

There are a lot more of course but that's what she came up with in a few minutes and then she asked a few freinds and they added some more. And I|ll updte this post whenever I find a new one. Luckily not all vocabulary learning is blood sweat and tears...

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