Tuesday 9 July 2013

lesson 75 mini dialogue 5

lesson 75
mini dialogue number 5
 a silly drawing and lots of new words

                                                          Kol beseder?
                                                          Ken todah. Ve atah? 
                                                          Ken. Kol beseder.
                                                          Aval choshev she* kelef sheli lo nachon.
                                                          Mah atah omer?
                                                          Kelef sheli. Eynayim shelo musarim!
                                                          Mah at choshevet?
                                                          Seh lo be'ayah. Seh matzchik.

kol beseder           everything ok? everything in order? seder = order and beseder = in order
aval                        but
choshev                 I think (masc.) and of course: you think (masc.) and he thinks
choshevet              you think (fem.) and of course: I think (fem.) and she thinks.
*she                       that       the 'e' is pronounced as in 'set' or 'met'
kelev                     dog
lo nachon              not right
eynayim                eyes
musar                    strange
matzchik               funny

a new verb and it is a totally regular one
lachshov = to think
present masc.: choshev,   present fem.: choshevet
past masc.: chashav,   past fem.: chashvah

this is the first relative pronoun in this course, it means 'that' and it's
indispensable for sentence construction

the ending of eynayim is not a plural (-im) it is a dual (-yim)
a dual is a form for things that come in pairs like two legs, eyes, ears glasses etc.
we'll do more examples soon
and the adjective that goes with the dual noun takes the plural ending

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