Sunday 7 July 2013

lesson 73: dialogue 4: le'an atah holech?

lesson 73
dialogue number 4

                                          Boker tov!
                                          Boker or!
                                          Le'an atah holech?
                                          Anee holech lehof hayam.
                                          Besha'ah shmoneh baboker?
                                          Ken, anee ohev lishchot baboker.
                                          Ve'at? le'an at holechet?
                                          Anee holechet la'avodah.

(for this dialogue I joined the articles and prepositions to their nouns. I know I am not very consistent with this but I am still not sure which way is better for learning, joined to mimich Hebrew writing or separated to highlight the prepositons etc.? suggestions are very welcome)

new words:

boker or              morning of light. it's the usual greeting to respond to 'boker tov'.
hof hayam           beach
lehof hayam        to the beach
lishchot               to swim       anee/atah/hou socheh         anee/at/hee sochah
avodah                work

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