Tuesday 16 July 2013

lesson 79: dialogue 7 : past tense plural (4)

lesson 79: past tense (4)

mini dialogue 7
me'ayin atem ba'im?

cat watching a movie - stock photo

                    me'ayin atem ba'im?
                    ba'inou mikolno'a.
                    mah ra'item?
                    ra'inou komedi'ah.
                    al mah ha komedi'ah?
                    kmo kol ha komedi'ot:
                    hem ahavou, hem lo ahavou, hem shouv ohavim.
                    ve atem me'ayin ba'im?
                    hayinou bemisadah tzarfatit.
                    haytah tovah hamisadah?
                    ken, aval achalnou yoter midai.


new words:

komediah  -  komedi'ot                             comedy
al mah                                                       about what
misadah - misadot                                     restaurant
tzarfati - tzarfatit                                       French
yoter midai                                                too much


new grammar:

the verb to see:

we already did the singular:
ra'iti          I saw
ra'ita         you saw (masc.)
ra'it           you saw (fem.)
ra'ah          he saw
ra'atah       she saw

and here's the plural:

ra'inou     we saw
ra'item     you saw (masc.)
ra'iten      you saw (fem.)
ra'ou        they saw

the verb to be:

a short repitition of the singular:

hayiti      I was
hayita     you were
hayit       you were
hayah     he was
haytah    she was

and the plural:

hayinou    we were
hayitem    you were
hayiten     you were
hayou       they were

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