Thursday 4 July 2013

Tutim by EthniX

by ethnix 

Hakor shebeganeach mul hachom hebegani,
habunker lismolech mul hapagaz shebeyadi,
harimon shelach lo pri vehu muchan etslech bayad,
etsli bamachsanit hem muchanim echad echad.

Or oleh min hamizrach,
yom hadash higiya,
shneynu nitgaber al

ha eima,
tutim, tutim, boi

nikneh rak tutim,
Bimkom od mechonot shel milchama.

Et hamitah chasamt beharbeh sakim shel chol,
ve'al roshech kasdah min habunker shemismol,
ratzit shenishmati tihyheh tsrurah la'ad,
etsli bamachsanit hem muchanim echad echad.

Or oleh min hamizrach,
yom hadash higiya,
shneynu nitgaber al

ha eima,
tutim, tutim, boi

nikneh rak tutim,
Bimkom od mechonot shel milchama.
The coldness in your garden against the warmth of my garden
the bunker to your left against the artillery shell in my hand
your grenade is not fruit and it's ready in your hand here,
they are each ready in my rifle magazine.

The light goes up from the east,
a new day has arrived.
The two of us will overcome the terror
Strawberries, strawberries, come we'll buy only strawberries
Instead of other

You blocked the bed with many sandbags,
and on your head is the helmet from the bunker on the left
You wished that my soul'd be bound forever,
here, they are each ready in my rifle magazine.

The light goes up from the east,
a new day has arrived.
The two of us will overcome the terror
Strawberries, strawberries, come we'll buy only strawberries
Instead of other




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