Tuesday 19 March 2013

lesson 3+4 
anee talmid, anee talmidah

two elementary school students looking at globe Stock Photo - 10746937
אני תלמיד, אני תלמידה

just some easy vocabulary for today and don't forget to visit  my memrise course, it's free and really works to fix it all in your long term memory:

new words:
בוקר                   boker                       morning
טוב                     tov                           good

בוקר טוב             boker tov                 good morning
תלמיד                 talmid                      student (masc.)
תלמידה               talmidah                  student (fem.)
מורה                   moreh                     teacher (masc.)
מורה                   morah                     teacher (fem.)
אני תלמיד            anee talmid            I am  a student (masc.)

אני תלמידה          anee talmidah        I am a student (fem.)
את מורה             at morah?               are you a teacher? (fem.)

אתה מורה           ata moreh?              are you a teacher? (masc.)

Hebrew nouns are either feminine or masculine. But words for professions and similar things/persons have a feminine and a masculine form like:
moreh and morah or talmid and talmidah.

there is a first adjective in this lesson: tov (good)
many more will of course come later but for the first two parts of this course I will concentrate on verbs and adjectives will be few and far between.


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