Saturday 30 March 2013

 lessons 37 and 38

Friends Cartoon World : mixed ethnic children


for your memrise exercises please visit

אין לי שוקולד              'ain li shokolad              I do not have chocolate

אין לך לחם                'ain lecha lechem            you do not have bread (masc.)

אין לך חלב                'ain lach chalav               you do not have milk (fem.)

אין לו מכונית              'ain lo mechoneet             he does not have a car

אין לה מחשב             'ain lah machshev            she does not have a computer

טוב                            tov                                   good (masc.)

טובה                          tovah                               good (fem.)

חבר                           chaver                             friend (masc.)

חברה                        chaverah                           friend (fem.)

חברים                             chaverim                          friends (plural)

חבר טוב                    chaver tov                         a good friend (masc.)

חברה טובה                chaverah tovah                 a good friend (fem.)

שבע עשרה                shva' essreh                       seventeen

שמונה עשרה              shmoneh essreh                eighteen

יום חמישי                   yom chamishi                  Thursday

ללכת                        lalechet                              to go

אני צריכה לכת           anee tzarichah lalechet      I need to go (fem.)

לכתוב                       lichtov                                to write

אני יכול לכתוב           anee yachol lichtov           I can write (masc.)


the negation of to have:

we learned earlier that Hebrew has a very particular way of expressing the idea of possession:
yesh li = there is for me = I have
yesh lecha = there is for you = you have

to negate that we have the same system witht the word 'ain = there is not

'ain li =        there is not for me =    I don't have
'ain lecha =  there is not for you =  You don't have
'ain lach =   there is not for you =   You don't have
'ain lo =       there is not for him =   He doesn't have
'ain lah =     there is not for her =    She doesn't have

the gender of nouns:

In Hebrew every noun is either masculine or feminine. The adjectives have to take on the same gender as the noun they accompany.

chaver tov
chaverah tovah
machshev chadash
mechonit chadashah
bait yafeh
'ir yafah

no worries we'll repeat this a lot.

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