Saturday 23 March 2013

lessons 19 and 20 mah hasha'ah?

lessons 19 and 20 
mah hasha'a?
Vintage Clock Icon  with Alarm Bells Stock Photo - 13933574
?מה השעה
what time is it???

 don't forget to practice at

סליחה                          slichah                                     excuse me

מה השעה                      mah hasha'a?                          what time is it? (what is the hour?)

שעה                             sha'ah                                       hour

השעה                           hasha'ah                                   the hour

שמונה                           shmoneh                                  eight

עשר                              esser                                        ten

ערב                               erev                                         evening

בוקר                              boker                                        morning

השעה שמונה בערב         ha sha'a shmoneh ba'erev        it is eight in the evening 
                                                                                              ( the hour (is) eight in the evening )

השעה עשר בבוקר           ha sha'a esser baboker             it is ten in the morning 
                                                                                               ( the hour (is) tenin the morning ) 

what time is it?

this is very straight foreward:
mah hasha'ah? = what the hour? = what time is it?


we meet the first numbers in this lesson. Numbers can be a bit tricky because 1 -10 come in a feminine and a masculine form according to the noun they count. For simple simple counting one uses the feminine form. But not to worry we'll do it slowly. So, for today just two feminine numbers because sha'ah (hour) is feminine:
shmoneh = eight
esser = ten 
(I am transcribing the s in  עשר with two s because the pronounciation is not soft but rather sharp. A questionable compromise but hopefully it indicates the pronunciation well.)

the preposition be

we learned that be means in and at
now, when it combines with the definite article ha it becomes ba

be + ha = ba

be + ha + boker = baboker
be + ha + erev = ba'erev

be + ha + universitah = ba'universitah = at the university

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