Wednesday 27 March 2013

lessons 27 and 28 anee tzarich mechonit

lessons 27 and 28 

anee tzarich mechonit

car Citroën, Valensole, Provence, France Stock Photo - 5635074


to practise go to the memrise course:


יש לו                          yesh lo                                 he has

יש לה                         yesh lah                               she has

מכונית                         mechoneet                          car

יש לו מכונית                yesh lo mechonit                 does he have a car

אופנוע                         ofno'a                                   motorbike

יש לה אופנוע                yesh lah ofnoo'a                  does she have a motorbike

שש                              shesh                                   six

ארבעה                         arba'                                     four

אני צריך                        anee tzarich                         I need (masc.)

אני צריכה                      anee tzarichah                     I need (fem.)

מה את צריכה                mah at tzarichah                   what do you need (fem.)

אני צריכה שוקולד          anee tzarichah shokolad       I need chocolate (fem.)

מה אתה צריך                mah ata tzarich                    what do you need (masc.)

אני צריך מכונית             anee tzarich mechoneet        I need a car (masc.)

yesh lo and yesh lah
the same as yesh li yesh lecha and yesh lach
yesh lo = there is for him = he has
yesh lah = there is for her = she has

auxilliary verb:
tzarich / tzarichah : it can mean all sorts of things:
need and have to and must that's why we're taking it slowly.
we had rotzeh / rotzah. and the next lesson will bring yachol / yecholah
auxilliary verbs a great especially with infinitives as you'll see later on.
new numbers:
6 shesh
4 arba'a

so now we have ten out of ten:

     1           2              3               4               5            6              7            8             9            10
  achat  shtayim    shalosh     arba'a    chamesh      shesh      sheva   shmoneh    tesha       esser

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