Saturday 23 March 2013

lessons 13 and 14 mah at ossah?

lessons 13 and 14

 mah at ossah?

Girl reading newspaper at the tea table cartoon Stock Photo - 16456581

אני קוראה העיתון

anee koret ha'iton

shalom a brand new lesson and lots of exercises here at:

איפה                       aifo                             where

איפה אתה                aifo ata                         where are you? (masc.)

איפה את                  aifo at                           where are you? (fem.)

בית                          bait                               house

בית קפה                   bait kafeh                     cafe

אני בבית הקפה          anee bebait kafeh         I am at the cafe

מה אתה עושה            mah ata osseh?            what are you doing? (masc.)

מה את עושה              mah at ossah?              what are you doing? (fem.)

אני קוראה                  anee koreh                   I read (masc.)

אני קוראה                  anee koret                     I read (fem.)

העיתון                        ha iton                         the newspaper

אני קוראה העיתון        anee koret ha'iton       I am reading the newspaper (fem.)

אני קוראה העיתון        anee koreh ha'iton         I am reading the newspaper (masc.)

interrogative determiner (yet again)

the new one:
aifo? = where?

the old ones:
mee? = who?
mah? = what?
le'an? = where to?


there's only one definite article in Hebrew, just as in English
ha = the      and it is joined to the following noun just as the prepositions:
ha + iton = ha'iton
this makes reading a bit confusing at first because so many words seem to begin with an h. 
You'll soon learn to skip it to get to the first letter of the 'real' word.

The indefinite article does not have a word, it is implied in the absence of the definite article:
ha'iton = the newspaper
iton = a newspaper

composite nouns:

a very straight foreward way of combining nouns is the following one:
bait + kafeh = bait kafeh : house + coffee =  coffeehouse or coffee shop or café
a more interesting combination (cheese cake) will be discussed in the next lesson.


yet another way of conjugating verbs in the present tense:
koreh = I, you, he read(s)  (masc.)
koret = I, you, she read(s) (fem.)

1 comment:

  1. koreh = I, you, he read(s) (masc.) is wrong, since the word ends with alef, there is no -h here. it should be "kore", not *koreh

    אני קוראה anee koreh I read (masc.)

    אני קוראה anee koret I read (fem.)

    is also wrong, especially in hebrew writing
