Thursday 28 March 2013

lessons 31 + 32 anee rotzeh shome'a hachadashot

lessons 31 + 32   

anee rotzeh shome'a hachadashot

New York on tv screens Stock Photo - 3687667


חדשות                                 chadashot                                       news

החדשות                               ha chadashot                                 the news

אחת עשרה                          achat essreh                                   eleven

שתים עשרה                        shte'im essreh                                twelve

אני שומע                             anee shome'a                                  I hear (masc.)

אני שומעת                           anee shoma'at                                 I hear (fem.)

לשמוע                                  lishmo'a                                           to hear

אני רוצה לשמוע החדשות   anee rotzeh lishmo'a hachadashot   I want to hear the news

מה אתה שומע                     mah ata shome'a?                           what do you hear? (masc.)

מה את שומעת                     mah at shoma'at?                           what do you hear? (fem.)

ללמוד                                   lilmod                                               to learn

אני רוצה ללמוד עבּרית       anee rotzah lilmod ivrit                 I want to learn Hebrew

 לאהוב                                  la'ahov                                             to love

אני לא רוצה לאהוב שוקולד anee lo rotzah la'ahov shokolad  I do not want to love chocolate

יום שני                                  yom sheni                                        Monday

a little bit of plural:
chadashot is the plural of chadasha. In English the news are also plural form. 
the -ot is the feminine plural ending and we'll talk about it more in a few lessons.

three infinitives:
lishmo'a    to hear
la'ahov      to love
lilmod      to learn

counting beyond 10
standing alone ten = esser
in combination you need essreh
it's like in english where you have ten alone and teen in combination (i.e. sixteen)
the principle is easy but there are a few vowel changes.
eleven = one ten  = achat essreh
twelve = two ten = shte'im essreh

and don't forget the exercises:

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