Tuesday 26 March 2013

lessons 21 and 22 yesh lechem?

lessons 21 and 22  

 yesh lechem?

Variety of bread in a basket Stock Photo - 6486073

The second course unit on memrise, starting with lesson 21 is now ready:

יש                          yesh                              there is

?יש                         yesh?                            is there?

לחם                        lechem                          bread

יש לחם?                       yesh lechem?                is there bread

חמאה                      chemah                         butter

יש חמאה                  yesh chemah?              is there butter?

כן                            ken                                yes

כן יש                        ken yesh                       yes there is

שלוש                        shalosh                          three

חמש                         chamesh                        five

שירותים                    sheroutim                       bathroom

איפה השירותים          aifo ha sheroutim?         where is the bathroom?

yesh is a really important word. It means there is. Like the il y a in French.
it's a question: yesh lechem? (is there bread?) and it's an answer: ken yesh (yes there is).

two new numbers today:
3 = shalosh
5= chamesh
and the ones from the last lesson
8= shmoneh
10= esser

aifo ha sheroutim is arguably one of the most important questions ever ;-) so it needs to be memorised early on even though the grammar is a bit ahead of this course.
the ending -im is a masculine plural ending. Compare it to the mah omrim be 'ivrit we had earlier. Plural endings are really easy (just -im for masculine and -ot for feminine)  and they will be discussed in depth in lesson 53+54 onwards. For now just remember that we have mentioned it and memorise the word sheroutim. That's it for today. Lehitra'ot

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