Friday 29 March 2013

lessons 35 and 36 mah at ro'ah?

lessons 35 and 36
mah at ro'ah?
Binoculars View : Hiker looking in binoculars enjoying spectacular view on mountain top above the clouds
          ?מה אתה רואה         


for the exercises please go to

הוא רואה                            hu ro'eh                                 he sees

היא רואה                            hee ro'ah                               she sees

לראות                                lirot                                         to see

?מה אתה רואה                   mah ata ro'eh                        what do you see? (masc.)

אני רואה העיר                     anee ro'eh ha ir                     I see the city (masc.)

?מה אתה רואה                   mah at ro'ah                           what do you see? (fem.)

אני רואה הים                      anee ro'ah hayam                  I see the sea (fem.)

אתה יכול לראות העיר          ata yachol lirot ha'ir?              can you see the city?

עיר                                     'ir                                           the city

אתה יכול לראות הים            ata yachol lirot hayam?         can you see the sea?

ים                                     yam                                        the sea

יום רביעי                           yom revi'i                                Wednesday

חמש עשר                          chamesh essreh                     15

שש עשרה                         shesh essreh                           16

לאכל                                le'echol                                    to eat

לשתות                             lishtot                                       to drink

מה אתה רוצה לאכל           mah ata rotzeh le'echol            what do you want to eat? (masc.)

מה את רוצה לשתות          mah at rotzah lishtot                 what do you want to drink? (fem.

no new grammar today, it's all fairly self explanatory

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